Never underestimate the power of an improvised litter to make moving casualties easier. This technique works best in residential structures because in many commercial buildings, the carpet is not “wall…
🕖 Reading Time, 1 minutes Using the XStat 30 trainer in an in-person class on a TrueClot wound model. The sponges immediately expand in the wound and rapidly exert pressure you can feel under your hand. *provided as demonstration only, …
🕖 Reading Time, 1 minutes Teaching wound packing has always been challenging as there are few good wound packing models. The Phokus wound cube has 4 different wound profiles and has a realistic texture. In this short video, see the …
The North American Rescue tracheostomy airway with bougie introducer is demonstrated in a surgical airway. This an excerpt from our Complete Tactical Casualty Care course skills station ….
🕖 Reading Time, 1 minutes Used the X-Stat trainers in class today on a hog thigh with a simulated femoral artery laceration. This narrow wound track is a challenge to pack with Kerlix Gauze, the X-Stat 12 applicator worked awesomely.
🕖 Reading Time, 2 minutes Moving casualties is always hard. Use a tool whenever possible. Even a folding chair makes it easier to carry casualties quickly and over distance. In A Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi says, “Make your …